Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR RepDyn (01/2010-12/2012)

Participants : Marie Durand, François Faure.

We will participate to the ANR RepDyn project, starting at the beginning of 2010, in collaboration with CEA, EDF, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures Industrielles Durables (LaMSID), and ONERA. The purpose of this project is to enhance the performance of discrete elements and fluid computations, for the simulation of cracks in nuclear reactors or planes. Our task is to propose GPU implementations of particle models, as well as load balancing strategies in the context of multi-core, multi-GPU hardware. Marie Durand has started a PhD thesis on this task.

ANR ROMMA (01/2010-12/2013)

Participants : François Faure, Jean-Claude Léon, Stefanie Hahmann.

The ANR project ROMMA has been accepted in 2009 and started in January 2010. The partners of this project are academic and industry experts in mechanical engineering, numerical simulation, geometric modeling and computer graphics. There are three academic members in the consortium: the LMT in Cachan, G-SCOP and LJK (EVASION and MGMI teams) in Grenoble. There are four industrial members: EADS, which coordinates the project, SAMTECH, DISTENE and ANTECIM. The aim of the project is to efficiently and robustly model very complex mechanical assemblies. We are working on the interactive computation of contacts between mechanical parts using GPU techniques. We will also investigate the Visualization of data with uncertainty, applied in the context of the project.

ANR SOHUSIM (10/2010-09/2014)

Participants : Ali Hamadi Dicko, François Faure.

Sohusim (Soft Human Simulation) is a ANR Project which started on October 1st 2010. It is done in collaboration between: EVASION (Inria), Fatronik France (TECNALIA), DEMAR (Inria), HPC PROJECT and the CHU de Montpellier.

This project deals with the problem of modeling and simulation of soft interactions between humans and objects. At the moment, there is no software capable of modeling the physical behavior of human soft tissues (muscles, fat, skin) in mechanical interaction with the environment. The existing software such as LifeMod or OpenSim, models muscles as links of variable length and applying a force to an articulated stiff skeleton. The management of soft tissues is not taken into account and does not constitute the main objective of this software.

A first axis of this project aims at the simple modeling and simulation of a passive human manipulated by a mecatronics device with for objective the study and the systems design of patient's manipulation with very low mobility (clinic bed). The second axis concentrates on the detailed modeling and the simulation of the interaction of an active lower limb with objects like orthesis, exoskeleton, clothes or shoes. The objective being there also to obtain a tool for design of devices in permanent contact with the human who allows determining the adequate ergonomics in terms of forms, location, materials, according to the aimed use.

Dicko Ali Hamadi is a Ph.D. student within EVASION team. His works turns around the problems in SOHUSIM project. He is co-tutored Olivier Palombi in IMAGINE.

FUI Dynam'it (01/2012 - 02/2014)

Participant : Francois Faure.

2-year contract with two industrial partners: TeamTo (production of animated series for television) and Artefacts Studio (video games). The goal is to adapt some technologies created in SOFA, and especially the frame-based deformable objects  [31] , [30] to practical animation tools. This contract provides us with the funding of two engineers and one graphical artist during two years.

ANR CHROME (01/2012 - 08/2015)

Participant : Rémi Ronfard.

Chrome is a national project funded by the French Research Agency (ANR). The project is coordinated by Julien Pettré, member of MimeTIC. Partners are: Inria-Grenoble IMAGINE team (Remi Ronfard), Golaem SAS (Stephane Donikian), and Archivideo (Francois Gruson). The project has been launched in september 2012. The Chrome project develops new and original techniques to massively populate huge environments. The key idea is to base our approach on the crowd patch paradigm that enables populating environments from sets of pre-computed portions of crowd animation. These portions undergo specific conditions to be assembled into large scenes. The question of visual exploration of these complex scenes is also raised in the project. We develop original camera control techniques to explore the most relevant part of the animations without suffering occlusions due to the constantly moving content. A long-term goal of the project is to enable populating a large digital mockup of the whole France (Territoire 3D, provided by Archivideo). Dedicated efficient human animation techniques are required (Golaem). A strong originality of the project is to address the problem of crowded scene visualisation through the scope of virtual camera control, as task which is coordinated by Imagine team-member Rémi Ronfard.

Three phd students are funded by the project. Kevin Jordao is working on interactive design and animation of digital populations and crowds for very large environments. His advisors are Julien Pettré and Marie-Paule Cani. Quentin Galvanne is working on automatic creation of virtual animation in crowded environments. His advisors are Rémi Ronfard and March Christie (Mimetic team, Inria Bretagne). Julien Pettre. Chen-Kin Lim is working on crowd simulation and rendering of the behaviours of various populations using crowd patches. Her advisors are Rémi Ronfard and March Christie (Mimetic team, Inria Bretagne). Julien Pettre.

Action3DS (Caisse des dépôts) (10/2011 - 09/2014)

Participant : Rémi Ronfard.

Action3DS is a national project funded by Caisse des Dépots, as part of the Investissements d'avenir research program entitled Technologies de numérisation et de valorisation des contenus culturels, scientifiques et éducatifs.

Figure 18. Illustration of the stereoscopic camera system.

The project is coordinated by Thales Angénieux (Patrick Defay). Partners are Inria (Rémi Ronfard), Lutin Userlab (Chrles Tijus), LIP6 (Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier), GREYC (David Tschumperlé), École nationale supérieure Louis Lumière (Pascal Martin), Binocle (Yves Pupulin), E2V Semiconductors and Device-Alab.

The goal of the project is the developpement of a compact professional stereoscopic camera for 3D broadcast and associated software. Rémi Ronfard is leading a work-package on real-time stereoscopic previsualization, gaze-based camera control and stereoscopic image quality.

The project is funding PhD student Inigo Rodriguez who is working on learning-based camera control for stereoscopic 3D cinematography. His advisor is Rémi Ronfard.

AEN MorphoGenetics (10/2012 - 09/2015)

Participant : François Faure.

3-year collaboration with Inria teams Virtual Plants and Demar, as well as INRA (Agricultural research) and the Physics department of ENS Lyon. The goal is to better understand the coupling of genes and mechanical constraints in the morphogenesis (creation of shape) of plants. Our contribution is to create mechanical models of vegetal cells based on microscopy images. This project funds the Ph.D. thesis of Richard Malgat, who started in October, co-advised by François Faure (IMAGINE) and Arezki Boudaoud (ENS Lyon).

PEPS SEMYO (10/2012 - 09/2014)

Participant : François Faure.

2-year collaboration with Inria team DEMAR (Montpellier) and Institut de Myologie (Paris) to simulate 3D models of pathological muscles, for which no standard model exist. The main idea is to use our mesh-less frame-based model to easily create mechanical models based on segmented MRI images.

MSTIC Adamo (03/2012 - 12/2013)

Participant : Olivier Palombi.